
Done Nidone

Ultimately, as far as I am concerned, learning a foreign language (English and Spanish. Si, estoy estudiando espanol!) might be all about re-appreciating my own language, Japanese.

That's what I think whenever I come across Japanese words that sound undeniably to-the-point, like Nidone.

Literally, Nidone (nee-doh-nE) means second (= nido) sleep (= ne). But don't you think how easy it is to picture this morning scene by just mumbling the word: you half-wake up to the sound of neighbors/roomies doing their I've-gotta-run stuff, i.e. microwaving, hair-blowing, door-banging... But you are in your own cocoon and you just growl, dully yet nealty pull together blankets, rolling back 210 degrees for another doze.

Well, at least it is for me. And maybe that's why I have Nidone so often, I mean, just because I want to say the six-letter word: Nidone shite (I had second sleep, so...)

No? Not a good excuse for always barely making it in time?



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