
Egg-ology (2)

So my father, born on the Pearl Harbor Day, has never cooked hard-boiled eggs. That's a critical domestic issue to address.

But now I wonder, what about me, then? What makes me so sure I'm any better?

So I googled as usual, because being egg-headed is the last thing I want to be. But I must confess I was beaten more or less this time, to find out merely in minutes, my complete egg-norance of the situation abroad.

As far as I know, most people in Japan make boiled-eggs by keeping eggs simmered just until cooling them with running tap water (unless they've got a microwavable egg-cooking gadget.) However, apparently that's not a universal standard. For example, Betty Crocker's cookbook and American Egg Board, which I think are influential in the US, recommend the following:
1) turn off heat as water comes to a boil
2) let stand for minutes
3) then cool with water

"Remove from heat?! Um, okay," I bitterly smiled and nodded... until AEB proudly called it's let-stand method "more energy efficient."


"Hey, do you mean I'm an inefficient person?"

Calm down, calm down. (I have a tendency to overreact to the word.)

Then self defense:
"Actually, I strongly believe 'keep-simmering' is more prectical here in Japan, considering the nation's family size, pan size and so on. Moreover, it agrees with our perfectionism or sophisticated sense of beauty: would rather gently stir eggs while heat is on, in order to get the yolk just right in the middle…" And eventually, my imagination went so far as to picture US-Japan secretary-level talks over which is more civilized in the way of cooking eggs.

But all in all, it wasn't that bad to get all these eggs on my face. Actually, it, uh, egged myself on, to enhance my egg-ability.

[一般的な ゆで卵のつくりかた]

参照:NHKきょうの料理 ゆで卵のきほん

American Egg Board 米国鶏卵委員会






2 件のコメント:

junko H さんのコメント...

Thanks Bjocose for the comment! (& the tip) Nice surprise to hear from another Taureana (1-24 odds!) half a world away.
btw, my favorite chocolate product: rokkatei dried strawberries coated w/ white chocolate.

junko H さんのコメント...

Taureana= Taurean (=Taurus) + a (suffix meaning female, as in Latina) i.e. Taurus girl.
Thought I invented the word, but seems it's been used in astrology, only occasionally though.